A Trip through the Mind, Can be the Greatest trip of Your Life, They say if we dont control our thoughts, then somebody is controlling them, deep like pounds of dog shit, either you in it or avoided it, hope the later. If not just wipe ya feet off, i like to say getting rid of Mental Baggage, Cant see the true beauty of the moment if you holding on to the past, Let it Go. Got to re train the brain, everything we learn was repeated to us, daily assignments before the test, ( i use to write notes on my test, like ex: Now my grade will probably suck for this test cause my mind was on the girl infront of me, have you seen... ( so and so ) butt teacher , my teacher actually kept me after a few times for doing that and wrote funny stuff back on the test )
My attention span is shorter then a fruit fly, i got like ten tabs open, music, was watching a movie, and now i just saw a bbq piece of chicken flash across my head.. on that note to be continued...